Module TableSalt

TableSalt, Lua framework for constraint satisfaction problems

It goes well with a wide variety of constraint satisfaction problems -- Even ones you cook up yourself!

Github Page


    local CSP = require('TableSalt/TableSalt')
    local TableSalt = CSP.TableSalt
    local Pepper = CSP.Pepper


  • Copyright: 2014
  • License: MIT
  • Author: Shakil Thakur

Class TableSalt

TableSalt:new (domain, sizeX, sizeY) Creates a new TableSalt instance.
TableSalt:setAddVarsAfterAnyChange (bool) switch to toggle when additional constraints should be added for solveConstraints.
TableSalt:getAddVarsAfterAnyChange () returns where it's adding constraints.
TableSalt:getIDByName (n) Returns the id given a variable name
TableSalt:getIDByPair (x, y) Returns the id given a pair.
TableSalt:getValueByID (i) Returns the value given the id
TableSalt:getValueByName (n) Returns the value given a name
TableSalt:getValueByPair (x, y) Returns the value given a pair.
TableSalt:getDomainByID (i) Returns the domain given the id.
TableSalt:getDomainByName (n) Returns the domain given a name
TableSalt:getDomainByPair (x, y) Returns the domain given a pair.
TableSalt:addConstraintByIDs (section, pepperConstraint, ...) add a constraint to the board via IDs.
TableSalt:addConstraintByPairs (section, pepperConstraint, ...) add a constraint to the board via x,y position.
TableSalt:addConstraintByNames (section, pepperConstraint, ...) add a constraint based on the name given in the input table.
TableSalt:addConstraintForEachRow (pepperConstraint, ...) adds a constraint for each row.
TableSalt:addConstraintForEachColumn (pepperConstraint, ...) adds a constraint for each column.
TableSalt:addConstraintForAll (pepperConstraint, ...) adds a constraint for all values.
TableSalt:isFilled () determines if each variable has a value
TableSalt:isSolved () determines if the problem is solved based on the constraints that were added
TableSalt:solveConstraints (specificCellID) runs the AC3 algorithm to reduce domains/solve the problem
TableSalt:getSmallestDomainID () returns the id associated with the variable with the smallest domain.
TableSalt:solveForwardCheck () runs the forward check algorithm in the current state.
TableSalt:solve () solve the constraint satisfaction problem.
TableSalt:print () prints out the problem either as a table, a row, or a grid.

Pepper Constraints

Pepper Pepper Constraints are constraints written as functions that reduce the domain on a set of variables.
Pepper.allDiff (section, board) ensures all numbers in a section are of a different value
Pepper.setVal (section, board, val) sets the value of the cell[s].

CSP module

CSP CSP module that is passed back by the script.

Class TableSalt

TableSalt:new (domain, sizeX, sizeY)
Creates a new TableSalt instance. This will initialize a table, where each cell has a unique id which hold a value and a domain that can be accessed through various getters, as described below.


  • domain the domain for each of the cells in the problem
  • sizeX the length of the input or a table representing the variables
  • sizeY (optional) - the height of the domain space if the CSP exists over a grid


    a new TableSalt instance


     local TableSalt = require('TableSalt/TableSalt')
     local aussie = TableSalt:new({"Red", "Green", "Blue"}, {"WA", "NT", "SA", "Q", "NSW", "V", "T"}) -- for the australia coloring problem.
     local sudoku = TableSalt:new({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, 9, 9) -- for sudoku. Creates a 9x9 grid
     local linear = TableSalt:new({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, 9) -- basically creates a 9x1 grid, for problems that don't really require a grid, but can be enumerated
TableSalt:setAddVarsAfterAnyChange (bool)
switch to toggle when additional constraints should be added for solveConstraints. When this is true, it will act like the classic AC3 algorithm and add constraints after any domain has changed. When it's false, it will only add contraints after a value has been set (aka, the domain has been reduced to 1). If the problem is easily solved by constraints, setting this to true will incur a huge speedup (as in the case for sudoku).


  • bool default is true


     local sudoku = TableSalt:new({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, 9, 9)
TableSalt:getAddVarsAfterAnyChange ()
returns where it's adding constraints.


    true if after any domain change. false if only when a variable is assigned
TableSalt:getIDByName (n)
Returns the id given a variable name


  • n the name of a variable used in the problem


    the id associated with the given name


     local aussie = TableSalt:new({"Red", "Green", "Blue"}, {"WA", "NT", "SA", "Q", "NSW", "V", "T"})
     aussie:getIDByName("NSW") -- will return the ID for NSW
TableSalt:getIDByPair (x, y)
Returns the id given a pair. (0,0) represents the top left


  • x the x position from the left
  • y the y position from the top


    the id associated with the pair


     local sudoku = TableSalt:new({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, 9, 9)
     sudoku:getIDByPair(5,5) -- will return the id of the centermost cell
TableSalt:getValueByID (i)
Returns the value given the id


  • i the id of the cell


    the value associated with the given id or nil if it hasn't been set.


     local linear = TableSalt:new({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, 8)
     -- various problem constraints would go here
     linear:getValueByID(7) -- will return the value for the 7th item
TableSalt:getValueByName (n)
Returns the value given a name


  • n the name of the variable


    the value associated with the given name or nil if it hasn't been set.


     local aussie = TableSalt:new({"Red", "Green", "Blue"}, {"WA", "NT", "SA", "Q", "NSW", "V", "T"})
     -- the various australia color problem constraints would go here
     aussie:getValueByName("WA") -- will return the value that was set for "WA" (western australia)
TableSalt:getValueByPair (x, y)
Returns the value given a pair. (0,0) represents the top left


  • x the x position from the left
  • y the y position from the top


    the value associated with the pair or nil if it hasn't been set.


     local sudoku = TableSalt:new({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, 9, 9)
     -- the various sudoku constraints would go here
     sudoku:getValueByPair(5,5) -- will return the value of the centermost cell.
TableSalt:getDomainByID (i)
Returns the domain given the id.


  • i the id


    the domain (as a table) associated with the id. {nil} if empty


     local linear = TableSalt:new({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, 8)
     -- various problem constraints would go here
     linear:getDomainyID(7) -- will return the domain for the 7th item. Ex: {4, 6, 8}
TableSalt:getDomainByName (n)
Returns the domain given a name


  • n the name of the variable


    the domain (as a table) associated with the given name. {nil} if empty


     local aussie = TableSalt:new({"Red", "Green", "Blue"}, {"WA", "NT", "SA", "Q", "NSW", "V", "T"})
     -- the various australia color problem constraints would go here
     aussie:getDomainByName("WA") -- will return the domain for "WA" Ex: {"Green"}
TableSalt:getDomainByPair (x, y)
Returns the domain given a pair. (0,0) represents the top left


  • x the x position from the left
  • y the y position from the top


    the domain (as a table) associated with the given pair. {nil} if empty


     local sudoku = TableSalt:new({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, 9, 9)
     -- the various sudoku constraints would go here
     sudoku:getDomainByPair(5,5) -- will return the domain of the centermost cell. Ex: {1, 3, 5}
     sudoku:getDomainByPair(5,5) -- should be solved, so only one thing in the domain. Ex: {5}
TableSalt:addConstraintByIDs (section, pepperConstraint, ...)
add a constraint to the board via IDs. For more information, check out


  • section a table of id's
  • pepperConstraint a function which reduces domains based on a constraint
  • ... any additional arguments pepperConstraint requires


     local linear = TableSalt:new({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, 9)
     --id's 1, 3, and 5 have to be different
     linear:addConstraintByIDs({1, 3, 5}, Pepper.allDiff)
TableSalt:addConstraintByPairs (section, pepperConstraint, ...)
add a constraint to the board via x,y position. For more information, check out


  • section a table of x,y pairs
  • pepperConstraint a function which reduces domains based on a constraint
  • ... any additional arguments pepperConstraint requires


     local sudoku = TableSalt:new({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, 9, 9)
     -- (1, 1), (5, 2), and (7, 2) all have a value of 4
     sudoku:addConstraintByPairs({ {1, 1}, {5, 2}, {7, 2} }, Pepper.setVal, 4)
TableSalt:addConstraintByNames (section, pepperConstraint, ...)
add a constraint based on the name given in the input table. For more information, check out


  • section a table of names
  • pepperConstraint a function which reduces domains based on a constraint
  • ... any additional arguments pepperConstraint requires


     local aussie = TableSalt:new({"Red", "Green", "Blue"}, {"WA", "NT", "SA", "Q", "NSW", "V", "T"})
     aussie:addConstraintByNames({ "WA", "NT", "SA" }, Pepper.allDiff)
TableSalt:addConstraintForEachRow (pepperConstraint, ...)
adds a constraint for each row. This is handy for grid based problems. For more information, check out


  • pepperConstraint a function which reduces domains based on a constraint
  • ... any additional arguments pepperConstraint requires


     local sudoku = TableSalt:new({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, 9, 9)
TableSalt:addConstraintForEachColumn (pepperConstraint, ...)
adds a constraint for each column. This is handy for grid based problems. For more information, check out


  • pepperConstraint a function which reduces domains based on a constraint
  • ... any additional arguments pepperConstraint requires


     local sudoku = TableSalt:new({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, 9, 9)
TableSalt:addConstraintForAll (pepperConstraint, ...)
adds a constraint for all values. For more information, check out


  • pepperConstraint a function which reduces domains based on a constraint
  • ... any additional arguments pepperConstraint requires


     local linear = TableSalt:new({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, 9)
TableSalt:isFilled ()
determines if each variable has a value


    true if each cell has a value, false otherwise


     local aussie = TableSalt:new({"Red", "Green", "Blue"}, {"WA", "NT", "SA", "Q", "NSW", "V", "T"})
     aussie:isFilled() -- should return false
TableSalt:isSolved ()
determines if the problem is solved based on the constraints that were added


    true if all constraints are satisfied (domain has been reduced to 1 value). false otherwise


     local aussie = TableSalt:new({"Red", "Green", "Blue"}, {"WA", "NT", "SA", "Q", "NSW", "V", "T"})
     --all the australia color constraints go here
     aussie:isSolved() --should return false
     -- isSolved should now return true as the values have been set.
TableSalt:solveConstraints (specificCellID)
runs the AC3 algorithm to reduce domains/solve the problem


  • specificCellID (optional) useful for running constrains only associated with one cell. If omitted, solveConstraints will use all constraints


    true if the problem was solved. false otherwise
TableSalt:getSmallestDomainID ()
returns the id associated with the variable with the smallest domain. If there's a tie, it uses the degree heuristic which picks the variable with the larger number of constraints


    the id of the variable with the smallest domain


     linear = TableSalt:new({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, 9)
     --some of linear's constraints are added here
     --after that, I may want to get ahold of the domain the with smallest id
TableSalt:solveForwardCheck ()
runs the forward check algorithm in the current state. It goes through each variable, tries a value from the domain, runs solveConstraints to prune, backtracks if necessary, and finally determines a solution.


    true if the problem is solved. false otherwise


     local aussie = TableSalt:new({"Red", "Green", "Blue"}, {"WA", "NT", "SA", "Q", "NSW", "V", "T"})
     -- the various australia color problem constraints would go here
     -- the Australia color problem doesn't benefit from calling solveConstraints as no domains are reduced.
TableSalt:solve ()
solve the constraint satisfaction problem. This will call solveConstraints to reduce the domains and then solveForwardCheck to finish solving the problem


    true if the problem was able to be solved. false if not.


     local sudoku = TableSalt:new({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, 9, 9)
     --all the other sudoku constraints go here
     sudoku:print() -- print out the problem.
TableSalt:print ()
prints out the problem either as a table, a row, or a grid. How it prints out is dependent on how the inputs were given. If the variables were given as a table, it will print out as a table. Otherwise it will print out as a grid.


     local sudoku = TableSalt:new({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, 9, 9)
     --add all the sudoku constraints here
     -- will show a 9x9 grid of ?s
     --will show the solved sudoku puzzle now that it's solved

Pepper Constraints

Pepper Constraints are constraints written as functions that reduce the domain on a set of variables. For more information, check out
Pepper.allDiff (section, board)
ensures all numbers in a section are of a different value


  • section the id's of all variables the constraint is applied to as a table
  • board the self referential TableSalt instance


    the new domain of each of the id's in section as a table. They should correlate so section[1]'s new domain should be the first element in the table that is returned.


     local sudoku = TableSalt:new({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, 9, 9)
     --this will ensure that each the values in each row are all different
Pepper.setVal (section, board, val)
sets the value of the cell[s]. Used as a constraint satisfaction function.


  • section the id's of all variables the constraint is applied to as a table
  • board the self referential TableSalt instance
  • val the value that each variable in the section should be set to


    the new domain of each of the id's in section as a table. They should correlate so section[1]'s new domain should be the first element in the table that is returned.


     local sudoku = TableSalt:new({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, 9, 9)
     --this will set the value of (1, 1), (2, 2), and (3, 3) to all be 9.
     --the setVal function is run by various methods to determine values/successes
     sudoku:addConstraintByPairs({{1, 1}, {2, 2}, {3, 3}}, Pepper.setVal, 9)

CSP module

CSP module that is passed back by the script. Containing both the TableSalt class and the Pepper constraints.


  • TableSalt reference to the TableSalt class
  • Pepper reference to the Pepper constraints
  • _VERSION the version of the current module


     local CSP = require('TableSalt/TableSalt')
     local TableSalt = CSP.TableSalt
     local Pepper = CSP.Pepper
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